This weekend Michelle and I were invited to speak at Calvary Temple‘s Marriage Conference on Friday and Saturday. We ministered to over 50 couples. The room was filled with expectation. On Friday night we shared our story with those in attendance. It was real and raw. But we focused on the goodness of God and the difference that Jesus made and makes in our relationship. Many couples shared how they were blessed by our story. On Saturday, we followed up with 4 sessions, focusing on our personal relationship with Jesus and the difference He makes in the lives of individuals and in the marriage. We didn’t know that there was a couple there who were divorced. We ended up sitting down with them and sharing a meal together. Hearing their story was fascinating. Typically, couples who attend our conferences are not attending with the person they divorced. It shocked us. They are working on reconciling. How? Why? The wife recently got saved, and Jesus changed her life. She shared the gospel with her X-Husband, and he got saved and baptized. And now they recognize their need of Jesus in their relationship. They now recognize that Jesus is the difference maker. Wow. What an awesome God we serve. The weekend ended with a powerful Sunday service. We welcomed the presence of God into the room at 9:15am through pre-service prayer. The lead pastor led the church so wonderfully to seek God. The same couples who attended the conference were at the altars on Sunday praying together. Jesus is the difference maker. Many people received Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. We cried out to God around the altars asking Jesus to do Miracles. When we ask Jesus, He provides.
Evangelist Jermel Mayo