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Jehovah Jireh “The Lord Will Provide.” It’s More than a Car. Thank You JONATHAN MOTORCARS

Writer's picture: Evangelist Jermel MayoEvangelist Jermel Mayo

What an incredible Journey the Lord has us on. When we say ‘Yes’ to the Lord and commit ourselves to Him and His plan for our lives, the Lord promises to be with us. He also promises to be our shepherd and provider. In our 3 years of traveling on the road as evangelists, and moving our family from North Jersey to South Jersey, we accumulated tons of miles on our vehicle. For the first year of our transition, before selling our West Orange home, and finding and purchasing a new home, I commuted that entire year. In the beginning of that transitional year, I was traveling from North Jersey to South Jersey everyday during the week to fulfill my new role and responsibilities with serving on the Staff at Marlton AG. I have the mindset of, ‘you do what you got to do to make things work.’ I committed to sacrificing for my family and kids so that they can finish out the school year at their current schools. This also gave us time to get our home ready for sale in the Spring of that year. My wife and I worked extremely hard in that season. I learned a lot about the call of God in that season of our lives. It takes the call of God but it also takes hard work. We as a family committed to being ALL IN for the Lord and His call on our lives. While attending a small group Christmas party that year at Marlton AG, a guy walked up to me and said, “if you keep traveling like this, you are going to burnout before you even get started. I have a space available for you to stay. You can come and go as you pleased.” It was a divine appointment and key relationship I needed at that very moment. What I didn’t foresee was the kind of friendship and deep relationship that would develop that year. I stayed with this family, 3 days out of the week. It wasn’t just the place they provided, but it was the love they demonstrated towards me and my family. The bond formed into a family relationship. When we made the full transition to South Jersey my kids wanted to be at their home more than they wanted to be at the new home. I even had the privilege of recently officiating the wedding ceremony of their youngest son and daughter in law. That was special. Their youngest and only daughter has become like a little sister to me and a big sister to my kids. In that same year, I suffered a major injury while playing in a men’s basketball league. Being away from home and injured is not fun. I blew out my achillies tendon just like some of the NBA greats. Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant and others. Lol. It happens to the greats. Lol. But it was a tough season in my life. But staying with this family made it so much easier. “Momma Pat”, is the name I like to call her, literally nursed me back to health while being away from my wife during those days of the week. I am forever grateful for this family. Fast forward, we are now fully transitioned into the ministry and our lives here in South Jersey. Things are going even better than expected in terms of traveling and booking the calendar as an evangelist. We are traveling every weekend and even during days of the week for revivals. I noticed that my car was getting up there in mileage. But it has been running great. Getting me to and from safely. I started having to bring my car into service more frequently. But again, thank God for this family. Because they own a car dealership and service vehicles. Really nice vehicles too. Whenever I would service my vehicle, I love to just go and see the cars. While there, Andy says, “I have a perfect car for you and the ministry. You should really think about it. In the long run it’s going to save you money.” I just ignored him and thought to myself, `I am going to drive this car until it sinks into the ground.’ So I turned him down. He is always concerned for our safety. A couple months later, he calls me and says, “for whatever reason I can’t sell this vehicle. It’s not selling. I believe the Lord is telling me that this vehicle is supposed to belong to you and Regenrate ministry. It's a 2018 and has only 3,000 miles. It’s basically brand new.” 😳. I couldn‘t believe what I was hearing. Before you know it, I was picking up a vehicle that was reliable and needed for the work of the Lord. I can’t make this stuff up. I thank God that He knows what we need before we even come to Him and ask. We are so blessed by this wonderful family and their hearts of generosity. It’s not about the car, but it’s about the relationship that goes way beyond a car. It all starts with a Yes and being obedient to what God calls you to do. While pastoring for 18 years, our church would raise money for missionaries. One of those fundraising initiatives were to help purchase vehicles for every NJ Assemblies of God missionary. We were one of many AG churches to help raise money. We would raise thousands of dollars each year to help missionaries get vehicles in order to share the gospel. And now years later, the Lord provided for us to be able to take the gospel to people in the U.S. and around the World.

Thank you Andy and Pat Arnold and all the people at Jonathan Motorcars in Edgewater Park NJ, for your love and generosity towards our family and the ministry. We are so blessed for that divine appointment several years ago that has now grown into more than a friendship. It’s a brotherhood and sisterhood in Christ Jesus. May the Lord continue to bless you and the business. You all are helping us take the gospel to lost people EVERYWHERE. My first preaching assignment with this new vehicle was 2 weeks ago in Bedminster. On my way there, while driving in a vehicle that reminds me of the faithfulness of God, I drove alongside the Campus of Rutgers University New Brunswick, the future campus of where my oldest daughter will be attending in the Fall. God will continue to show off His faithfulness in her life too.

Evangelist Jermel Mayo

Regenerate Ministries


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2 Komentar

Evangelist Jermel Mayo
Evangelist Jermel Mayo
23 Feb 2020

Amen brother.


david mahler
david mahler
23 Feb 2020

What a blessing, I love watching God move, he knows obedience.

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