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Ministry Report - August 2020

Writer's picture: Evangelist Jermel MayoEvangelist Jermel Mayo

Life and Ministry in the month of August has looked different for many of us. By God’s Grace, we continue to experience His hand leading and guiding our every step. We are seeing more souls come to Christ through our ministry than ever before. In previous years, the month of August has been used as a month of release from ministry and a time rest, relaxation, and recovery for our family. This time around, with the current state of our nation and world, how could one find rest, relaxation, and fulfillment?

On the ministry side, I’ve had the opportunity of preaching the gospel for Marlton AG, where I serve as a staff evangelist, during our outdoor worship and communion service with close to 400 people in attendance. Incredible times together seeing people encouraged in their walk with God. I traveled to the Bronx for a weekend of ministry amongst our Indian brothers and sisters in Christ. I preached to over 6,000 people who tuned in online to watch and engage with the service. It was a powerful move of the Holy Spirit. We witnessed so many people receive Salvation and Spirit Baptism. I was recently asked to preach in live (in-person) services in Binghamton NY, at City Church. What an incredible time in the presence of God. I will be back there in the month of September for a weekend of Tent Revival Services.

On the personal side, the Lord laid it upon my heart to take care of my physical temple (my body) in preparation for what He wanted to do through me. So I began running. For the month of August I set some pretty high goals for myself. But the goals centered around Christ and reaching people with the gospel. It didn’t make sense at first, but by the time I came to the first few days in August I knew the Lord was doing something greater. It was through the running that God began to refocus me and the vision that He gave to me. I began seeing people differently. I began praying more for my family members and neighbors to be reached with the gospel. Through running it made me more visible and accessible to my neighbors. It was a personal revival in my heart and soul. I wanted to seize the moment and opportunity God was putting before me. Not only did I hit some physical goals but more importantly I saw God work in my life spiritually.

Oh and about the rest and relaxation part 😂... Michelle and I were able to get away for a few days just to be with one another and allow God to pour into us. Michelle is such an amazing ministry wife and partner. Her ministry in addition to working alongside me, is the ministry of family and hospitality. Our home continues to be an extension of our hearts and ministry. Everything we have belongs to God and He has the right to use it for His glory. God is using Michelle in such a powerful way. She recently prepared and served a delicious meal for all of the Groundzero College Students and their parents at Marlton Assembly of God to celebrate their return to school. She has been staying active with so many functions and celebrations we have had in our home. God has used our home as a vehicle for the gospel.

Lastly, one of the biggest highlights for the month of August has been our Mayo Mini Family Reunion. With our backyard now completed, God used it to bring our extended family members closer. We had such a great time with one another. it’s been too long not seeing everyone. But we must make time for what’s important. What good is it if I reach others with the gospel but not my own family. So I am thankful that God gave us the opportunity to share our hearts and home with family.

I give God thanks for how He is growing us and the ministry office of the Evangelist. I thank God for our ministry partners, who partner with us on a monthly basis prayerfully and financially. I thank God that we are now a 501C3 nonprofit Organization (tax-deductible). Praise God that more churches and individuals are partnering with us in order to impact people with the gospel. For more information on how you can give to us on a monthly basis, please go to

God is so good 😊

Evangelist Jermel Mayo


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