The month of October brought about incredible times of ministry and seeing more and more people experience Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit through Salvations, Spirit Baptisms, and deliverance. In the beginning of October my family and I were invited to spend the day in North Jersey apple picking. What a great day! That Sunday we ministered at Vailsburg AG in Newark NJ. VAG will always be a special place of ministry for our family. We spent 18 wonderful years in life and ministry there with some of the most amazing people that are still close friends to this day. It‘s always a blessing being received by the people of God there who we consider family. In the evening we traveled back to minister at Marlton AG for their Outdoor Tent Revival Service. The Gospel was preached with power and God saved souls that night. We waited on God for individuals to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. What a great spirit under the tent.
The following weekend we traveled to North Jersey again, but this time we partnered with Pastor Ron DePasquale of Full Gospel Church in Livingston NJ. We consider them such great friends and partners together in the ministry. A God moment happened during the service when Pastor Ron declared around the altars that he believed that this was a word for this season for him and his church. I always look for moments like this. It’s my heart to partner with Pastors and Churches in fulfilling my office duties in Ephesians 4:11. We have been called to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. We love to encourage people everywhere to continue strong in their faith. We rejoiced with all the individuals who responded to the gospel and received and rededicated their life to following Jesus Christ as Savior. We then traveled back to Marlton AG to preach at their Tent Revival Service where more people received Christ as Savior.
Next we traveled to Syracuse NY to Grace Assembly of God pastored by Doug Dement. This is the first time we ministered at this church. We came through recommendation of the youth pastor, Pablo Vargas. He invited us to preach for their youth retreat the entire weekend. But due to the corona virus our plans were altered but God‘s purpose remained the same, and that is to seek and save those that are lost. Pastor Dement asked if I could stay the weekend and preach on Sunday morning as well. The church there is ALIVE! They are hungry for the move of the Holy Spirit. They received us and the ministry well. They even invited us back for 2021. I am excited to report that following that booking, it put us at 100% booked for the entire year of 2021. God is good.
Finally, the following week we ministered closer to home in Delran at Calvary Church. Pastor Paul Jackson has been leading that church there for 35 years. We were so humbled by his invitation. Every service someone was giving their life to Christ and rededicating their commitment to follow Jesus. Pastor Paul asked us to come back and minister for their mid-week service. We served their church and community by speaking on Race and Reconciliation. God has been using us during this time of division and strife in our world and even within our churches. But God has called us to the ministry of reconciliation. We are amazed at what God continues to do through us. We are so blessed by all the churches and pastors that welcome us with open arms. we thank God for all of our monthly supporters. We can’t do the work of the ministry without you.
Last month, we received verbal financial commitments from 3 more churches and ministries. God is meeting Our needs. If you want to find out how you can become a monthly financial partner visit us at We are a 501C3 non-profit organization.
God bless you,
Evangelist Jermel Mayo
CEO / Founder
Regenerate Ministries
Encourage Empower Engage