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Ministry Report - September 2020

Writer's picture: Evangelist Jermel MayoEvangelist Jermel Mayo

The month of September was FULL of speaking engagements but more importantly, FULL of God’s Spirit actively working in peoples lives. At the beginning of the month we partnered with Chestnut Assembly of God in Vineland NJ with Pastor Tony Cotto for a week of Revival Services. Each Service was different from the rest. God had an agenda for each night we gathered. One of those nights people experienced a fresh encounter and outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Michelle and I along with a few students from our Groundzero School of Discipleship got a chance to connect with the Pastors and Leaders of the church after service over a meal. What a refreshing time as each of them shared what God did the past week of these services. We are so blessed to hear the incredible testimonies. One leader said, “It’s hard to put into words what we experienced. It was as if it was a refreshing wind that blew through our church.” This is exactly what God has called us to do and this confirms the name of our ministry, Regenerate, “A fresh Start.” Next we were scheduled to preach for our GZ students for their opening chapel. I reminded all of the students of the faithfulness of God and called them to be strong in the Lord this school year.

Next, it was onto Binghamton NY, for the start of 3 nights of Tent Revival Services at City Church. 4 services in 3 days. It was amazing. We love partnering with our good friends & Pastors Joe and Fran Green. They are leading such a dynamic church in a strategic area. The same night we were scheduled to preach outdoors, just down the road, their was a Black Lives Matter Protest. This church sits in the middle of a college town and are surrounded with young adults who desperately need Jesus. Each night I gave the call for salvation and each night people surrendered their lives to Jesus. One gentleman in particular, came to the services with his children. He came forward after hearing the gospel and gave his heart to Christ. The following morning, he brought his wife and she too surrendered her heart to Christ. Praise God! One of the evenings, I preached on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many confessed with their mouths in being filled with Spirit. Amen.

Finally, we partnered with one of our favorite Churches to visit in Staten Island NY, International Christian Center, pastored by our friends, Ron and Emma Squibb. What a great church with great people. I preached 5 services in 3 days. I loved ministering to 150 men for their Mens Conference on Saturday afternoon. These men haven’t seen each other in months, but when they came together to worship God it was as if they were meeting every day. I encouraged the men to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. During all the services on the weekend I shared about the goodness of God reminding the people of the God that promises, “He Will Never Leave us Nor Forsake Us.” Thank you so much Pastor Ron and Emma for your love and generosity. Thank you for being one of our monthly supported churches who invest financially to our ministry. We can’t do this without partnerships. We concluded the month by speaking virtually to the students of the University of Valley Forge. I encouraged them to keep their eyes on Jesus.

In the midst of this pandemic I am so thankful that God doesn’t social distance from His children. He calls us to be faithful in preaching the gospel. ”So that All May Hear.“

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God Bless you.

Evangelist Jermel Mayo

Regenerate Ministries



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